瑞恒網(wǎng)絡(luò )簽約玉清蘭白茶,進(jìn)行
“玉清蘭有機茶”采摘于海拔千米的 太姥山 原生態(tài)自然風(fēng)景保護區。這里地處太姥山脈的東北坡,山脈占據了地域總面積的 88.1%,而平原只有11.9%。山的屏障孕育出許多星羅棋布的小環(huán)境、小氣候,專(zhuān)業(yè)稱(chēng)“微域氣候”。年平均溫度15.5-16.5 ℃,年降雨量2100mm以上,土質(zhì)大都是紅壤或幼紅壤,非常適宜于茶樹(shù)的生長(cháng)。勤勞智慧的太姥山人在此制茶的歷史已有千年之久了。玉清蘭 就是源自于此,“中國白茶”的故鄉,福鼎 -太姥山。
天涵之,地載之,人育之,“玉清蘭” 因此而嬌貴。
瑞恒網(wǎng)絡(luò )與玉清蘭有機茶合作,創(chuàng )建網(wǎng)站實(shí)現共贏(yíng),歡迎訪(fǎng)問(wèn)玉清蘭白茶
"Yuqing Lan tea" picking at an altitude of one thousand meters of natural scenery Taimushan original ecological protection zone. Here is located the northeast slope Taimushan veins, mountains occupy a total geographical area of 88.1%, while only 11.9% in the plains. Mountain barrier brought forth many dotted with small environment, microclimate, professional called "micro-regional climate." The annual average temperature is 15.5-16.5 ℃, annual rainfall of more than 2100mm, the soil is mostly red or immature soil, very suitable for the growth of tea. Taimushan diligent and intelligent people in the history of this tea for millennia long. Yuqing Lan is from here, "Chinese white tea" hometown, Fuding - Taimushan.
Days of the Han, to set out, people's education, "Yuqing Lan" So rather delicate.